Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ON MY WAY ... 36 hours in Yosemite

Passing through a section of the central valley, it was nothing but
nut and fruit trees as far as the eye could see – BIG AG.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Running the Marin Headlands

Running the Marin Headlands

Only a few hours of sleep after my long, late night flight west. A spectacular run just over the Golden Gate Bridge in the Marin headlands. It took me about 135 minutes and I gained almost 1500'.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

St Paul's Cross Country v. Brooks and Middlesex

SPS v. Brooks and Middlesex
A strong race for BIG RED with St. Paul's going 1, 3, 4, 5 , 7 (Lucy).

BLAST FROM THE PAST ... Mike Brochu on Denali

Setting up an anchor on the West Rib at about 12,500'. Mike went
totally polarguard (first generation), and with his expedition pants,
parka and bag he had the heaviest and largest pack! Notice the nifty
Chouinard alpine hammer n his holster. (He still has his earplugs in
to sleep through my snoring.)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Nice 10k Adirondack Trail Run

An out-and-back run, up a dirt road to Rock and River, and then up the
Jackrabbit Trail to a beaver pond. A nice view of some of the crags on
the north side of Pitchoff.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eiger North Face Video

Upcoming California Trip ... Marin headlands trail run

On Saturday evening I fly to San Francisco to see some important
educational consultants and talk about a North Country School with
them. A bonus from the trip is that I get to spend about 36 hours with
El Presidente in Tuolumne Meadows. Another benefit is that I will be
able to shake off my jet-lag on Sunday, by running a portion of the
The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k course ... hopefully with
Callie Ewing ... of course the race is in December, so I just grabbed a screen capture of the course map.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The History of Snell Sports in Chamonix

Harold Snell was an American who served in France during World War I. Four years after the war ended, he was back in France met Marthe Devouassoid and in 1927 they were married. They opened an antique shop in Chamonix, however there were so many English tourists – hikers, skiers, alpinists – who hung out in the shop, that they decided to switch to sporting goods. If you are a fossil alpinist, that spent time in Charmonix during the late 60s, or early 1970s you're sure to know three places; Snell sports where you may have bought your first pair of Galibier mountain boots, Snell's Field where you bivvied, and the Bar Nationale where you drank beer with other English-speaking climbers.

There is a great little article about the story of Snell's in VERTICAL #48.

Trail running on campus

It doesn't get much better than this, our 6K super loop is awesome!

2014 UTMB ... profile of Anton Krupicka's difficult race

Anton (Tony) Krupicka UTMB 2014 - BUFF® PRO TEAM from Víctor Rins on Vimeo.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Java, Caffeine, and Mountain Running

A good summary on the effects of caffeine on endurance athletes. On a
related note, if you run in the mountains or aspire to run ultra
marathons this is a serious and technical blog to point you on your
way ... highly recommended.


Summer is coming to an end in the Adirondacks

History of the Harvard Cabin

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sunset on the lake hill

The mystery and romance of the Alps

There are higher and wilder mountains out there, but the European alps have a magic about them that is hard to beat. 

In Praise Of Wilderness

Words of Wilderness: 1836 - Present from Pete McBride on Vimeo.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Angel Slide

Nice run ... going to ski it this winter.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another two hour Adirondack Run

From the Loj Road - Mr Van Leanto - Hi Notch and back. A great outing,
although the trail is sketchy in places. Also, it would be better to
get dropped off and run back to campus.

The Mountain Stud ... Anton Krupicka

At the highest level of any sport, things do not always go your way.
It is certainly no different in ultra running, on one of the most
demanding mountain courses out there!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LOOKS LIKE A GOOD ONE ... Alex Macintyre's story

In the 1970s he put up new routes in the Alps and did early repeats of the hardest lines. In the 1980s he made his mark in the Himalayas until he was killed on Annapurna.

Salivating to get back to the Alps

Running, climbing, hiking, or ski mountaineering ... I am ready to go
across the big pond next year. Who is in?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Two Hour Run on the Northville-Lake Placid Trail

I wanted to make it to Wanika Falls however I only made it to the "h"
in north elba! I felt good but I am still recovering from last week's

Just formed a new goal ... Take a week some summer and run the entire trail.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

More Climb to the Castle

On Saturday, because we had to get Lucy on the road back to St. Paul's
as soon as the race was over, I drove my car to the summit and jogged
down to the 4k mark. I managed to get a couple of good pictures at the
halfway point, as well as having a nice run back to the summit. The
picture from the start - which I missed - was from FASTER SKIER.COM.

Spectacular View Of The High Peaks

Saturday, September 6, 2014

U.S. Nordic and Biathlon teams cleanup

This was Lucy's first climb to the castle.  She skied well, and I think she really got a kick out of the fact that there were a dozen Olympians who had skied at Sochi in the race today. One of our NCS alumni placed in the top 10, and even beat one of the Olympians.

2014 Climb to the Castle

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Alpine Start ... terrific climbing website

Terrific alpine gear reviews.  CLICK HERE

US SKI TEAM ... finishing up in Lake Placid

The two week training camp ends on Saturday with the traditional Climb To The Castle. A rollerskis race up the Whiteface toll road that Lucy, her NYSEF buddies, and about 50 college racers will do. Some of the nordic team also climbed Pete's Farewell, the classic 5.7 on Pitchoff during an off day.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just Back From A Trail Run

And all the shoes are lined up, ready to go ... hiking, road runs,
rock climbing, mountaineering, trail running, and rowing on the

Monday, September 1, 2014

Rory Basio repeats as UTMB Champ

This awesome picture from "Trail Porn" captures the magical night setting with a couple of thousand runners doing the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. 

Passing the 30k mark ... 10k to go!

Two days later and I am feeling pretty good. I went in and picked up a
pair of Stinson Hokas from the High Peaks Cyclery raffle.