Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Unlikely, but keeping fingers crossed that I win something in the drawing ...

With the cancellation of the main event, Red Bull ran a virtual event. Instead of 30 hours to complete 220k you had 30 days.

Simple strength exercise for trail runners, alpinists, and skimo racers

Also, great for aging and creaky knees, like mine!  However, I am not quite ready for some of his advanced versions of the exercise. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Spring isn’t quite here yet!

Yesterday it snowed before our morning shakeout jog, and we have more snow coming on Thursday afternoon. However, today will be another warmish, red klister day.

Book review: norway the northern playground

Having put a return to Norway on my bucket list - my only visit was 1972 - I have started to read, dream, and scheme. Of course, the big problem is it a winter ski trip, or a summer peak bagging trip? Anyway, I am reading this Slingsby 1904 classic, a freebie complements of Google books. The link is a great review, from Foot Less Crow.

Monday, March 29, 2021

QUOTE OF THE WEEK ... from chasing the Olympic dream

"We did not dream at night. We dreamt during the day, and we chased those dreams with such intensity that at night we slipped into a coma-like slumber."

"Being an elite cross-country ski racer in America can be compared to going through medical school while being homeless."

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Longest Ski Race In The World ... Nordenskiöldsloppet

A 220k course dating back to 1884. You get 30 hours, and it is classic only. This years race - except for a small elite division - has been cancelled because of covid. 

However, Red Bull has sponsored a month long virtual race to ski at least 220k. (I have a few more days, and 30k to go ... to be eligible for the drawing of five pair of race skis.)

Saturday, March 27, 2021

One of the secrets to spring Nordic skiing ...

Gotta have some handy when it's klister time.

An introduction to the Chamonix based Blue Ice ...

When they first became available in America I bought their leashes for ice tools. I have been on their mailing list for a few years, and I just put myself on their waitlist for when their superlight, ski mountaineering crampons (Harfang) become available.  Here is a nice short introductory essay on winter alpinism and their core values. 


Friday, March 26, 2021

Another good day of spring skiing but the rains are coming

Yesterday morning I did a nice classic ski on the new trails at Mount Van Hoevenberg and in the afternoon, I skinned laps on Mount Pisgah.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Book Review: Celebrate Winter by John Morton

This is a delightful collection of short essays and brief radio talks in Vermont media over a span of several decades. For those who have read his two previous books - A Medal Of Honor and Don't Look Back - much of this is ground he has plowed before. That said, these short vignettes are perfect before bed, and guaranteed to give a pleasant sleep to any nordic enthusiast. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Another good day of spring skiing

In the morning, once things softened up I skied biathlon loops for over an hour. In the afternoon I did laps on Mt. Pisgah which is closed, but still has great snow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Monday, March 22, 2021

March 22nd marks 100 days on snow

Hopefully another 20-30 before I put the skis away for the season.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A great week considering ...

My knee is still recovering from the horrendous ski wipeout last week. The totals for the week were just under 4000' of vertical ascent and:

92k exercise bike
69k skiing
12k ergometer
6k hike

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Article on the traditions of alpine pastures in Europe

Apparently, for several thousand years, farmers in the alps have moved livestock to alpine pastures as summer approaches. In three months the tradition of celebrating the move up, and then in fall, different traditions about the move back to town. Of course, in Zermatt there is also the daily movement of the goat herd, up and down the mountain.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Book talk ... the winter army

The link below is to a book talk and slideshow about the 10th Mountain Division, by Maurice Isserman, a Hamilton College history professor. He has also authored Fallen Giants a history of Himalayan climbing,  as well as Continental Divide, a narrative about American mountaineering. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The legendary unplanned bivy ...

Here are some famous ones; thankfully I have not had too many!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Knee continues to make incremental progress

The skiing on the toll road was not so great - wind scoured and icy - but I managed an hour and some vertical without pain. I also managed the crappy downhill without too much trepidation.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Incremental improvements in the knee

Yesterday I skied around the 1980 Olympic trails on my AT gear; I even tackled some small hills, and managed a stem turn or two. This afternoon I think I might be ready for the Whiteface toll road.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Coyote hunting mice in our backyard

He was not having any success, as when he pounced, he could not break through the surface crust. He was just 50 yards from the house, and the dogs were barking furiously ... but he didn't seem to mind.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Great to be back on ski, but ...

Felt a little pathetic, putting on mountaineering skis (heavy leather boots, and cable bindings) to ski groomed flat stadium loops! Needless to my knee has not improved too much. Indoors, the exer-cycle and ergometer work pretty well.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Excellent read ... Snow In The Kingdom: my storm years on everest

A more personal and introspective look at climbing on Everest than usual.  Ed Webster's three trips span the gamut from big expedition style to small, balls to the wall style. Also, this book is a freebie if you have Kindle Unlimited.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Spectacular day, wonderful spring skiing, miserable crash, and knee damage.

Took the picture shuffling home across our pasture. Not sure how badly, how long, and what I will be able to do with my knee.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Good trip to the White Mountains

Logged some excellent - fast paced kilometers - skiing at Dartmouth on my way home. Another spectacular sunny day, and my Garipay and Oak Hill laps were much more fun, when I borrowed some red klister.

Note to self ... having forgotten my klister - 'dacks were still blue kick wax - I compounded the problem by having none of the secret Swix hand cream. Sticky, sticky, sticky.)

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Heading to the White Mountains

Hoping to ski the Cog Railway route up to "Jacobs Ladder" and Mount Cardigan.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Another great twilight ski

David Hochschartner (Hock)

Thursday, March 4, 2021

First day riding lifts this season

Beautiful day, perfect conditions, and hardly any people. I ought to have done this earlier in the season. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Twilight Ski Tour in the Jackrabbit Trail

Stash and I had a peaceful 65 minute ski to end the day; however it was clear two parties on two different lines were still leading final pitches. No doubt they will be making multiple rappers and the hike out in the dark.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

New snow but brutally cold ...

I did a 75 minute tour breaking trail all the way on the north side of Pitchoff. Brrrr ... -2 degrees Fahrenheit with 35 mph gusts.