Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Pulled another old classic off the bookshelf
Published in 1904, this delightful book - with evocative paintings - gives a wonderful overview of the natural history of the alps.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Aiming to skin up Gore Mountain and visit Lenny this week
With my Whiteface ski pass (also good at Gore and Belleayre) I can skin for free on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Which begs the question: Why isn't Whiteface management this enlightened?
On a different note, my training last week went well, although the volume was a bit off as I logged a bunch of car miles. That said, it was great to get over to the White Mountains and ski in a different venue.
The stats were as follows: 14.5 hours, and just under 4600' vertical, on 111k (72k bike, 33k ski, 6k run). Additionally, I had three strength workouts, two yoga sessions, and a couple of alpine runs at Bretton Woods.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Skiing in Yosemite is still on my bucket list
A wonderful article in Skiing History about Ansel Adams, brought back fond memories of my two times skiing inside the national park. About 20 years ago I spent a week skiing out of Tioga Pass Resort; then two years ago, I was camping on the east side of the Sierras when they opened Route 120 to the park boundary.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Another Antique Mountain Postcard
This one is a picture of the old Hornli Hut at the base of the Matterhorn, at the start of the original 1865 route up the mountain.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
My first climbing trip to the Cordillera Blanca was with Jon and Larry Robjent. This was Jon kicking back in our Ishinca Valley Basecamp at 14,500'.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
A new issue of Skiing History
The picture on the cover was a poster designed for the first Winter Olympics in 1924 hosted by Chamonix.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Monday, January 22, 2024
Heading to the White Mountains today
That said, the past week has been a pretty good one for training despite the frigid temperatures. I logged 16 hours, with 4200' vertical, on 144k (89k bike, 46k ski, 9k run). And while I did not do any alpine skiing, I did manage two strength, and one yoga session.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Perusing my antique mountain postcards
Over the years Aunt Newly and Uncle Don have gotten me a variety of mountain scenes from postcards all over the world. This is a pre-WW II picture taken from Glacier Point Apron in Yosemite.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Once in awhile I pull an old classic off the shelves
This collection of essays was first published in 1925, and I have a second edition from 1949. I love the illustrations - often reproductions of paintings - in these old books, as well as the wonderful depictions of early alpine ski touring.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
What is the minimal amount of strength training you can get away with?
Because, to borrow from the Robert Frost poem, "I have kilometers to go (run or ski) before I sleep."
Monday, January 15, 2024
Well the 8-12 inches never appeared …
However, I imagine the Tug Hill Plateau, on the western - lake effect - side of the Adirondacks got plastered.
That said it was a good week, with lots of skiing on all types of conditions. I managed to log 14.5 hours, on 133k (105k bike, 28k ski), and just under 3000' vertical. I also spent two mornings alpine skiing on skimo gear, and also managed two strength sessions, and another yoga session.

Sunday, January 14, 2024
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Hock’s mountaineering, skiing, and trail running books
My personal library, has a new customized book stamp.
Suspecting that my children and grandchildren will not want anything more than a few choice pieces from my alpine library, I imagine I will eventually give my library away. After all, do I really want to leave it all behind when I pass away, and give my children the chore of what to do with 60 boxes of books!
So, in coming years books will go to friends for birthday and Christmas presents. While select portions of the collection will go to North Country School, Camp Treetops, the Keene Valley Library, ADK Welcome Center, Union College Library, and the American Alpine Club Library.
Suspecting that my children and grandchildren will not want anything more than a few choice pieces from my alpine library, I imagine I will eventually give my library away. After all, do I really want to leave it all behind when I pass away, and give my children the chore of what to do with 60 boxes of books!
So, in coming years books will go to friends for birthday and Christmas presents. While select portions of the collection will go to North Country School, Camp Treetops, the Keene Valley Library, ADK Welcome Center, Union College Library, and the American Alpine Club Library.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Thursday, January 11, 2024
A Wilmington Surprise
The "banana belt" of our region is the area around Wilmington. As it is east of the high peaks region it often is snowless when Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, and our home are fully covered. However, in the recent storm - which for us produced huge rain - it covered the town, and the Whiteface Toll Road with a nice blanket of snow.
So, checking out the toll road yesterday I was delighted and surprised to find full coverage and pretty good skiing.
So, checking out the toll road yesterday I was delighted and surprised to find full coverage and pretty good skiing.
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Another big storm turns from snow into mostly intense rain
I gave this neat old book - vintage late 1960s - to a couple of different buddies as Christmas presents. Now, I find myself re-reading this book on the Internet Archive;
perusing websites; and dreaming of a return to the alps.
Selden and I already have exciting plans to be in Chamonix this fall, celebrating our 40th anniversary. My current dilemma: Should I do a ski mountaineering trip to the Alps this winter (Lech or Andorra), or a spring skiing and hiking trip in the Sierras or Cascades?
Monday, January 8, 2024
Not the big storm we expected
But, five inches on top of the two we already had, is better than nothing. Ski toured with Stash on the 1980 biathlon trails.
On a related note, last week I logged just over 13 hours, on 117k (80k bike, 25k ski, and 12k run), and just over 3000' vertical. I also managed one morning of alpine skiing, two strength sessions, and a single yoga session.
On a related note, last week I logged just over 13 hours, on 117k (80k bike, 25k ski, and 12k run), and just over 3000' vertical. I also managed one morning of alpine skiing, two strength sessions, and a single yoga session.
Another big day for American nordic skiers
Sophia Laukli won the final Tour de Ski stage - the climb up the Alpe Cermis - while Jessie Diggins won the overall TdS, and continues to lead the season long race for the Crystal Globe.
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Back riding lifts at Whiteface
Now that the holiday crowds have dispersed, I spent the morning riding the new lift - Notch - taking you directly to the mid-station. A fine morning with temperature in the 20s and three inches of new snow on top of the piste.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Monday, January 1, 2024
The Magician’s Glass by Ed Douglas
One of my Christmas presents from Selden was this collection of interesting mountaineering essays. Who could resist after reading this blurb from British climber Andy Kirkpatrick: "A man with a mind like the teeth of a brand new ice-screw. Ed's words are never dull."
On a different note, I have finally put Covid behind me, and the past few days, I have even been able to approach my regular volume. That said, the overall volume for the past week was still low: logging 10 hours, a bit over 3500', 87k (49k bike, 33k ski, 5k run), as well as two strength, and one stretching session.
Hoping for a healthy 2024.
On a different note, I have finally put Covid behind me, and the past few days, I have even been able to approach my regular volume. That said, the overall volume for the past week was still low: logging 10 hours, a bit over 3500', 87k (49k bike, 33k ski, 5k run), as well as two strength, and one stretching session.
Hoping for a healthy 2024.
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