Thursday, October 17, 2024

Look for it!

This comet won't be back for another 80,000 years.

Frost on the pasture, moon setting, and a dusting of snow

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Snow season has started!

First day on snow, skiing up the whiteface toll road.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Thanks again to Lucy!

Here she is running by the Fossil Cabin, and out to the 1980 Olympic trails with Stash. Selden and I could never have managed the Chamonix adventure, without her taking care of the farm.

As for my training, another good week despite the travel, the jet lag, and the lack of sleep. I logged just over 14 hours on 117k (81k bike and 36k run), with 2050' vertical.

Another Patagonia running vest option

The other option is much smaller, and would be a perfect replacement for my current running vest … perfect for a 1-2-3 hour trip.  Whereas the 18 liter (previous post) would have a wider range: alpine climbing, ski touring, and adventure runs.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Thinking about a new running vest/pack

My first generation 5-6 year old Salomon running vest is showing its age. Thinking about this item ….

Use the link to read a review. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Home running trails with Stash

Thanks to Lucy for making it possible for mom and dad to have an adventure, to celebrate their 40th. Lucy took care of the sheep, chickens, geese, and our dogs; additionally she took Stash on some nice long runs.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Excellent book about running into your 70s an 80s

Seems to only be available in England and various European countries, so I bought a copy in Cham. A long time fell runner, working through what is going on with his body as he approaches 70.

Lots of science research cited, but it's written for the lay person, with enough information for the curious to get to the clinical data.

I was hooked by his back of book blurb, " Welcome to the uphill struggle of going downhill."

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Heading for home

We get picked up at 6:45am, and our Geneva flight takes off at 11am. The picture is from yesterday is of the Argentiere terminal moraine, with the snout of the glacier just barely visible. As with the other local glaciers there has been a substantial retreat in the past 100 years.

We had a great trip, and a wonderful 40th anniversary.

Last workout in Cham

After lunch with Selden and a nap, she went to the hot tub and I went for a workout. I ran 2.5k to Gaillands, bouldered for 45 minutes, ran back to the hotel, and then took a sauna.

A great day, a great trip, and early wake up, and hoping the hurricane does not play havoc with Dulles airport traffic.

Back in Chamonix

We did some grocery shopping for our last day in France, and I was checking out new running vests.

Next stop in Argentiere

Was the cemetary, among the gravestones - old and new - were a memorial to guides who have died in the mountains, and a memorial to local men that died in WW II.

Exploring in Argentiere

We spent the morning walking around this tiny town, and our first stop was their small, but ornate church.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A rainy day in Chamonix

So, I thought I would trot out some pictures from some of our more photogenic moments.

However, it was a good day: caught up on reading election news, did some easy stretching and strength work, went to the steam room, had a nice run on the Promenade d'Arve, and had a wonderful dinner with Selden.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Another easy bouldering session at Gaillands

The rock was wet from a bit of rain last evening, so I stayed in my approach shoes, and did not go too far off the deck.

The jog out was on the first couple of kilometers of the UTMB race.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Continuing to have a great time in Chamonix

Aside from Saturday, it has often been cloudy with an occasional drizzle. However, most every day we have seen some clearing, allowing us to soak up views of these tremendous peaks.

This picture of the Aiguille Rouge - taken from Montenvers - brings back fond memories of my 2008 trip. In this range, Larry and I climbed routes on the Index, Gliere, and Crochues.

On a different note, despite some jet lag, as well as the long travel and packing days, I was still able to have a good training week. I logged just under 13 hours, on 82k (44k run, 38k bike), with 3,325' vertical. I also managed to get in my first bouldering session of the season.

October 6: Sunday in Chamonix

This morning I did an easy hike - out and back - to Lac Gaillands, and then spent about 45 minutes bouldering at the crag there.  The afternoon was spent reading, sitting in the hot tub with Selden, and then another hike to La Pierre a Ruskin.

John Ruskin (8 February 1819 – 20 January 1900) was an English writer, philosopher, art historian, art critic and polymath of the Victorian era. He wrote on subjects as varied as geology, architecture, myth, ornithology, literature, education, botany and political economy.

He spent a great deal of time in Chamonix, and this rock was a place where he used to sit, think, paint, and gaze at the Mont Blanc massif. 

A beautiful sunny day in Chamonix

We took the 11:30 cog railway to Montenvers, at the tail end of the Mer de Glace. Selden and I spent two hours, absorbing the views, digesting the historical and glacial exhibits, and then had a light lunch.  By 3:30 pm I was out on the trails enjoying some more amazing views.

From Montenvers the views of the Dru, Grandes Jorasses, and Aiguilles Rouges are spectacular. Immediately behind Selden is what is left of the Bonatti Pillar, after the recent major rockfalls. The link connects to a wonderful historic piece on this 1955 route, both before and after the rockfall. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Chamonix trail run

In addition to a nice walk and dinner with Selden, I did a trail run on the Petit Balcon Sud. I started up the very steep first kilometer, just as clouds were lifting to unveil the Bossons Glacier.

Friday, October 4, 2024

More about the Chamonix Guide fresco

From left to right: Louis Lachenal, Lionel Terray, Roger Frison-Roche, Rene Claret-Tournier, Armand Charlet, and below the balcony – Gaston Rebuffat.

The Oldest Guiding Company in the world

The company was started in 1821, and there is a wonderful mural in the center of town - near Snell's Sports - which has full scale paintings of the most famous guides.

The bottom mural, are of the earliest guides, from left to right … From Lt: Edouard Cupelin, Francois Devouassoud, Joseph Ravanel, Michel Payot, and Michel Croz.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Maison de la Montagne

Selden jumped in to make a rope of three, with this mural of a guide leading a client on the Mer de Glacé during the 1800s.

My fav … Snell’s Sports

The first of four floors!

Pretty tired but glad to be in Geneva

Waiting for our shuttle to Chamonix … yahoo!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fall Foliage is approaching its peak

Of course, peak foliage will probably come this weekend, while we are in Chamonix. By the time we get home, most of the leaves will probably have fallen.

I had a nice hour long hike with stash today.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Next two days are all about getting ready for Chamonix

That said, it was a good week; despite a lot of World Cup spectating - which was awesome - my training log did not suffer too much.

I logged just under 18 hours, on 171k (141k bike and 30k run), with 3425' vertical. I also managed one strength workout this week. Key metrics pointing towards ETC race next year were: 16:06 per kilometer, 115' vertical per kilometer, on terrain graded 3/2 using the Ultrarunner's scale.

FYI …as per the numerical scale, the adjectives for this week's terrain equate to being "hilly" and "groomed". Of course, the key adjectives for the race I am pointing towards are "very hilly" and "a rocky trail". So, I need to up my game!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Selden: The historian, writer, and revolutionary war scholar in the family

Gets another deeply researched piece published.

For Nordic Skiers This May Be the Highest Volume Of Your Year

Here is a Strava exploration of how U.S. team member, and Dartmouth student, John Hagenbuch puts it all together. And, as you'll see there is another shoutout to a high volume stud! 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Women U23 MTB Short Track

A hundred meters after the start they head up the first uphill, starting on the rollerski loop, and shortly transition to grass, dirt, and mud. There are three types of races: short track (roughly 16 minutes), Olympic format (roughly 75-90 minutes), and the 100K marathon. The Olympic format is the most technical of all the races. Along with current and former world champions, all the medal winners from the recent Paris Olympics will be on hand.

BLAST FROM THE PAST … journal from June 1987

I used this journal off and on; from the summer when I directed the Adirondack Trail Improvement Society, to TTW, on to TTE, and much later in 1998 on a trip with Presidio Hill School students. Recently, I have started sketching in it - preparing for those years when I can't climb anymore - so I will take it to Chamonix next week.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

View from our deck

Using the PeakVisor app.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Solace Of Open Spaces

Perusing my alpine library during cocktail hour, I came across this book which I had last enjoyed in the early 1980s.  After returning from my recent visit to the Tetons, and reflecting on the many accumulated hours I spent in Wyoming, it made sense to sit down and re-read - at least - the very first essay. A true gem, well worth your time.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Heading for home

It's been a good week; I logged just under 17 hours, on 168k (138k bike and 30k run), with 3200' vertical. I also managed two strength workouts and one session of stretching. One more week before we head to Chamonix.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Big Six

Make them part of your daily warmup, or increase with weights to work them into your regular strength program. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Spectacular Fall Weather Continues

Stash and I have been running on the MTB World Cup course at Mount Van Hoevenberg the past few days. Of course, I have also been pulling out books and maps about Chamonix to get me ready for our big 40th Anniversary Trip.

Friday, September 20, 2024

BLAST FROM THE PAST … Tetons 1970s

Bouldering in the Tetons - mid 1970s - in my vintage Nike waffle trainers. Wearing my Union College lacrosse shorts, sporting long hair and a bandana. I spent two consecutive summers climbing and hanging out at the Climber's Ranch. The first summer I was solo and picked up partners, while the second summer I climbed with college buddies. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thinking about 2025 ETC race in Courmayeur during UTMB week

Combined with a four-day TMB hike from Courmayeur to Argentiere as a warmup. The race is 15k with just over 4000'.  Given that profile, I will need to do some specific training on terrain that is squarely in the 4/4 profile. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Imagine in just over two months it will all be coated in ice

Nice trail run to the north-side of Pitchoff yesterday. The scene of many wonderful ski tours and ice climbing days, as well as the place where my buddy Gary took a fall last year. Hoping for more good winter memories on this section of the Jackrabbit Trail.

With travel within Grand Teton National Park, and then travel back home, the focus this week has been on recovery. I logged 11.5 hours, on 103k (77k bike and 26k run), with just under 1700' vertical. I also managed two PT stretching sessions and one strength workout.

Heading to Chamonix with Selden in a couple of weeks!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Back home running local trails with Stash

Saturday morning jogging a hilly section of the 1980 men's Olympic 50k.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Beautiful sunrise in one of my last days in the Tetons

One of the cabins at the Grand Teton Climber's Ranch poking out in the left side of the picture. A wonderful place to stay at $25 a night.