Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tahoe: day 2
Yesterday, I started the day off with a yoga session, and then did a 50 minute run. In the afternoon Danny and I did a two hour ski up near Mount Rose. A great day, and then Mark introduced me to Viking Valhalla on Netflix.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Danny’s House
Mark and I headed over to see Danny and watch the Celtics play the Heat. An impressive snowpack still covering his front lawn.
Tahoe: day 1
Plenty of snow up high. However, my choice of tours - Pole Creek - was a poor one. Too much hiking (5.5k) and too little skiing (3.5k), but it was a good two hour workout with some nice vertical. Followed up with a good yoga session.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Super long travel day
Up at 4am, then the 7am plane to Chicago, then Phoenix, then to Reno, and an hour drive to Olympic Valley. Plenty of snow above 6700'. Hoping to do this snow climb before I leave,
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Last workout with Stash for awhile
We had a good jog on the new nordic trails. Heading out tomorrow to Tahoe to see Mark and Danny, as well as doing some late season ski tours. Flying home on June 8th.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Monday, May 22, 2023
Beginning to gather for the start of the race
It was a week of tapering and recovery before the Mining For Vert Challenge. So, the volume was less, but with the race, data on intensity sky-rocketed. I managed to log 12 hours last week, with 6250' vertical, on 94k (55k bike, 36k run, and 3k ergometer), as well as three yoga sessions, and single strength session.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Good race at Mining Vertical 4 Hour Challenge
Oldest competitor (so won age group) but only a couple of minutes off 60 year old podium. The stats were: 13 laps, four hours, 17k, and 4075' vertical.
My one sentence summary … plenty of gas left in the tank but no fluid for the knees!
My one sentence summary … plenty of gas left in the tank but no fluid for the knees!
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Friday, May 19, 2023
Hoping to do lots of skiing in the Sierras
Thursday, May 18, 2023
In less than two weeks I’ll be in the Sierras
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
BLAST FROM THE PAST … canadian rockies 1974
Bill Trollenberg, Stephanie White, and I spent three months hiking and climbing in the Canadian Rockies. This was my first big, and long, climbing trip. Among others, we climbed Mount Rainier, Mount Athabasca, Mount Olive, Saint Nicholas Peak, Snowdome, Mount Woolley, and a failed attempt on the Wishbone Arete of Robson. The picture was of me honing technique on an early season frozen waterfall.
Monday, May 15, 2023
A beautiful spring week with solid training
Last week the weather was clear and mild; I logged over 16 hours and over 6500' vertical, on 115k (61k mostly MTB, 45k on foot, and 9k ergometer). I also did three yoga sessions, a strength session, and I am looking at putting a racing bib on next Sunday.
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Scouting ski tours for Memorial Day in Tahoe … IMPRESSIVE!
Of course, this SNOTEL data is from May 11th, but with many places still showing snow depth over 100 inches, it seems likely I'll be doing some ski touring! Quite the resource … check it out.
Friday, May 12, 2023
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Legendary American climber Tom Hornbein passes away at age 92
On the 1963 American Everest expedition, Hornbein and Unsoeld did a two person alpine style ascent of the unclimbed West Ridge, which was far ahead of its time.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Monday, May 8, 2023
First week of new training year
A good first week - with mostly crappy weather - however I managed just under 15 hours, just under 4000' vertical, and 111k (72k bike and 39k+ run). I also did three yoga sessions, a strength session, and my first MTB ride of the season.
As you can see from the picture on the Jackrabbit Trail, it has been pretty wet.
As you can see from the picture on the Jackrabbit Trail, it has been pretty wet.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Saturday, May 6, 2023
What was in your skimo pack this winter?
Not too different from my pack, except a warmer parka, warm hat, and another lightweight wind shell for over the puffy. (The 'dacks are colder and more blustery than being on a piste in the alps.) But, this list will be perfect when I head out into the Sierras in three weeks.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Not logging big mileage but …
I feel like I have had a successfully transitioned back to running, after the ski season. Next up, is hopping on the mountain bike.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Video highlights of 2023 Trofeo Mezzalama skimo race
An exceptional 12 minute video - no narration - just stunning footage of this La Grande Course. The race begins in Cervinia and 45k later ends in Gressoney, in between there is 3300m of ascent, including three 4000 meter peaks.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Quick review of 2022-23 training year
So the highlights were as follows: 772 hours of training, 226,000' vertical, 127 days on skis, 4 uphill running races (2 age group podiums), one 50k+ ultra, one Skimo race, and two trips to the Sierras, as well as a trip to Zermatt.
A couple of big disappointments: no climbing or mountaineering just a bit of bouldering. I was only able to average one strength workout a week. And, I did not do any of the planned nordic ski marathons.
In summary, a productive year to kick off my 70s, now it's time to set goals for the next year.
A couple of big disappointments: no climbing or mountaineering just a bit of bouldering. I was only able to average one strength workout a week. And, I did not do any of the planned nordic ski marathons.
In summary, a productive year to kick off my 70s, now it's time to set goals for the next year.
Monday, May 1, 2023
The Nordic Training Season … is defined as May 1 - April 30
So, last week was the "official" end of the 2022-23 nordic season. It was a good week in a qualitative sense, although totals were much lower.
The highlight was getting into Huntington Ravine, as well as the spectacular views of Boot Spur, and the head wall of Tuckermans Ravine. Skiing down the Sherburne Ski Trail was a New England classic, although the lower portion was melted out. And finally, despite the rain watching my daughter put a race bib on for the USATF uphill run, at Mount Sunapee, was a treat. Hoping to get to Huntington Ravine next year in late March or early April to climb up South Gully, down The Escape Hatch, and ski all the way out to Pinkham Notch.
So, for the final week of my training year the totals were: just under 16.5 hours, just over 6300' vertical, and 91k (49k exercise bike, 36k run, 6k ski). Today will be the day to total up all the data, look at last years goals, and make some goals for the 2023-24 season.

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