So, last week was the "official" end of the 2022-23 nordic season. It was a good week in a qualitative sense, although totals were much lower.
The highlight was getting into Huntington Ravine, as well as the spectacular views of Boot Spur, and the head wall of Tuckermans Ravine. Skiing down the Sherburne Ski Trail was a New England classic, although the lower portion was melted out. And finally, despite the rain watching my daughter put a race bib on for the USATF uphill run, at Mount Sunapee, was a treat. Hoping to get to Huntington Ravine next year in late March or early April to climb up South Gully, down The Escape Hatch, and ski all the way out to Pinkham Notch.
So, for the final week of my training year the totals were: just under 16.5 hours, just over 6300' vertical, and 91k (49k exercise bike, 36k run, 6k ski). Today will be the day to total up all the data, look at last years goals, and make some goals for the 2023-24 season.