Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Back Story

A few good meals, lots of oxygen at
10,000', and time for reflection has helped me put it all in
perspective. First, a big mistake to go from Huaraz to 15,700' after
only 36 hours. (I told you so!) Second, we should have decided early
on to bivouac at the moraine camp, after all the guides and
conventional wisdom count for something. (Not really a problem, it
just cost us a day.) Third, on arrival and talking to local sources,
it was clear that Huandoy was out of shape, Chopi had a very
challenging crevassed finish, and we lost our appetite, for the other
alternative of Yanapaccha, when a guy was killed on it while we were
there. (Nothing we could do about any of these.) Fourth, and finally,
the south face of Pisco (pictured) had a moderate face climb that has
been skied, but snow cover seemed thin, and probably too much water
ice for us to tackle safely.

So, we are back in Huaraz, weighing options, and will head to
Tocllaraju tomorrow.