Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Selden, Lucy, and I had a wonderful Christmas morning.  

Lucy's presents centered around books and clothing fit for interviews, or working in a Congressional office. Selden's gifts  - as always - were almost exclusively books focused on the American Revolution. (The one exception being a workout outfit for when she rides her stationary bike.) 

As for me, it was a bit unusual, in that I only got two books!  A Mountaineer's Life by Allen Steck, and Unique And Unknown, The Story Of Biathlon by Art Stegen, both welcome additions to my expansive climbing and skiing library.  Most of my gifts this Christmas were focused around the outfitting of the Hockmobile. Key items included a two burner stove, a waste basket, gear storage bins, inside illumination called faerie lights, as well as some heavy duty carpet for my muddy dog to stretch out on after a trail run. 

Of course, there were also two key pieces of athletic gear, a pair of lightweight nordic racing gloves and a 19 piece set of resistance bands for strength workouts.