Sunday, June 29, 2014

Andean Adventure Run

It all started when I left the dirt road for some herd paths that were
more interesting!

I had planned an active rest day. I took a mid-morning collectivo up
to Llupa, and was going to run to Pitec and back. A distance of 6-8k,
with spectacular views.

Well, after taking the wrong turn, I ended up on the Quebrada Shallap
trailhead. Saw I nice dirt road and headed over to Churup. The locals
pointed me to this nice, mostly grass, shady path that wove in, and
out of villages down to Huaraz ... Four hours, 24k, 2050' of climbing,
and 3,000' of descent ... Not quite the day off I expected.

Kestrel entered a ski race on the Postoruri glacier, and last night we
watched the bouldering comp in the Plaza de Armas.