Friday, February 27, 2015

Fruitcake ... they know me so well

On Wednesday I received an unexpected and belated Christmas present from Stegs one of my first climbing partners. Ever since I was a kid my mom used to buy me fruitcake for a stocking stuffer, and because of that I always ended up bringing it on climbing trips. And so over the years there has been a long litany of stories about climbing adventures and how the fruitcake played into them.

Stegs remembered a trip in the Adirondacks when the fruitcake was so frozen, it was like a brick, and so we had to put it down our shirts to warm it up next to our skin. Then of course there was the trip to Denali when the blazo white gas spilled on our fruitcake which was the only lunch food we had. The time that we topped out on the Black Dike in the dark, and Michael Franklin who had nothing to eat all day, just bit into the Claxtons fruitcake, wrapper and all. Of course, my sisters make sure that fruitcake is still a stocking stuff for for me every year.