Sunday, December 9, 2018

Harvard Cabin ... my 40th Anniversary

Forty years ago I was the winter caretaker of the Harvard Mountaineering Cabin in Huntington Ravine. Late this summer - Lenny - who spent six weeks helping me at the cabin - suggested we hike up and spend the night.

It was not a very convenient time for a visit, given that I have been on the road constantly for work, and it's a 5+ hour drive. However, we had a good time, and it was fun to swap old stories with the new caretaker. I skinned up and skied down so I am still waiting for Sam and Len to make it down. (Hoofing it down on nanospikes they were a full hour behind.)

Of course this being Mount Washington it was cold, with a summit windchill of -40 degrees. Lower in elevation and more sheltered I imagine windchill at the cabin was more like -15 degrees.

The enclosed pictures include: Len in the pain cave; the HMC cabin built in 1962; Len's favorite snack; a blustery Huntington Ravine; and Boot Spur at sunset.