Monday, May 13, 2019

BLAST FROM THE PAST ... my first ski mountaineering bindings

Up until a few years ago, when my knees became just too decrepit, I had been a confirmed tele-dude since the late 1970s.

Having said that, as an alpine climber faced with long approaches you always had those winter dilemmas: Snowshoe to the base of the route? Strap on crampons and climb Pinnacle in your three pin boots? Cruise the Kahiltna in nordic race gear and carry ice climbing boots? Or, find a binding that might work with your double boots. In the late 1970s I was introduced to ramer bindings while teaching winter courses for the Colorado Outward Bound School.

Yesterday, tossing stacks of old magazines into the recycle bin (not my complete set of Alpinist though) I found this old publication Alpine/Nordic: journal of unconventional skiing. Well forty years later, I seem to have sorted through the winter dilemma having moved from ramers, to silvrettas, and on to dynafit pin bindings with TLT boots for my ice routes.