Saturday, July 6, 2019

First morning in the Cordillera Blanca

Well we were trashed when we pulled into Huaraz at 7:30 pm. We started about 36 hours prior to that with a drive to Connecticut to stay with our son and fly out of Bradley the next morning. We flew to Chicago, Dallas, and the Lima, and followed it up with almost 9 hours on a bus.

The weather called for rain - which hardly ever happens this time of year - it would rate as a spectacular, mostly sunny day in the Adirondacks. However, the summits of the 6000 meter peaks were socked in, there was some new snow down to 5500 meters, but clearly very claimable weather.

After the usual awesome Zarela breakfast we went up to the roof - me for yoga to clear out the kinks - and Lucy for an intense strength workout. Then a walk-about town, lunch, some book swapping at the California Cafe, PB&J for lunch in Zarela's guest kitchen, and a nap for me.

This afternoon we will run (Lucy) and hike (me) to Lake Willococha in the Cordillera Negra. Lucy will probably add on some additional mileage as it is "just" 5 miles total. Of course her run will take her from 10,000' to just under 12,000.'

Thai food at La Casa de Zarela tonight.