Friday, September 13, 2019

Two of the six Great North Faces of the Alps

Yesterday, I was going through some pictures from this summer, and despite the poor light, I dwelled on this one ... my long-time ambition was to climb the six famous north faces. As I was reminded one morning on a trail run, two of those big routes are in Chamonix. On the left you have the North Face of the Dru, and on the right you have the central rib which is the Walker Spur on the Grand Jorasses.

The others in the big six are: 1938 Route on the North Face of the Eiger, the Schmid Route on the North Face of the Matterhorn, as well as the North Face of the Cima Grande and the Piz Badile.

It reminds me that I have to re-read Rebuffat's STARLIGHT AND STORM this fall. As for me, these faces will have to wait until my next reincarnation.