Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hazard’s Way ... 2001 Boardman-Tasker Prize Winner

I have just re-read this brilliant book by Roger Hubank. It is incredibly well written, and focuses on the coming of age of a young, well to do, medical student through the lens of the Boer War and the very active climbing scene in the pre-WWI Lake District, centered around the Wastdale Head Inn.

I had the good fortune - decades ago - of climbing in that area for several weeks, and so know something of its climbing history. Despite the wonderful scope and range of this "climbing novel" which touches on issues of class, gender, Empire, and Victorian virtues, I fear it will never be a popular read in America. However, for the American reader willing to do a fair amount of googling, to research people and events alluded to, it is a "cracking good yarn."

In my googling, I found out that the Barn door Traverse is no longer possible due to recent renovations ... now that is a pity.