Monday, November 25, 2019

JFK 50 mile ... DNF

So, a DNF is always a disappointment. After all, you sign up and train for two months, to complete the damn thing. However, during the fall I began to have the sneaking suspicion that my knees were not going to tolerate the pounding for 50 miles.

My fitness was up to the task, but I feared my joints were not. And so my "B goal" was to complete at least 50 kilometers (31 miles). And having run 52 kilometers over the toughest and hilliest part of the course, there is some satisfaction.

Race day dawned chilly and beautifully clear, and the sunrise over the South Mountain was spectacular. The route was historic. The race well organized. The selfie was taken at 6:29, moments before 1200 runners took off.

POSTSCRIPT ... Muscles and energy level were good the morning after, however the knees hurt quite a bit, and I was hobbling around like I was 90 ... ibuprofen, CBD cream, and single malt all helped. By Monday morning I was ready to jump on the ergometer and take Stash for a jog.