Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Will we see robotic exoskeletons in mountaineering?

Three or four years ago, I saw a science article about clinical research being done on robotic exoskeletons as an alternative to surgery for knees and other joint issues. Now there is a company that is marketing such a product, and you can take a two hour test drive for $25 at select ski resorts. Space age, bionic man, sci-fi, call it what you will ... interesting though. 

As for how I found such an obscure site ... DON'T GET ME STARTED ON BIG DATA ... as per my daily routine, I start the day with a cup of tea and a digital copy of the New York Times. The more often a read the newspaper the more I realize my personal details, interests, and consumption habits are being closely tracked. So, reading op-ed pieces in the fall about our president, embedded in the articles were always numerous ads such as, "If you can run a mile in under ten minutes you get special life insurance rates with us."  Well it just so happens I was training for an ultra-marathon and so I was frequently on running sites. 

Now it's ski season and I regularly visit nordic, alpine, and ski mo sites. Not to mention googling Zermatt, Squaw, Chic-chocs, Tuckerman's Ravine, and Yellowstone for future ski trips. It's hard to concentrate on the NYT article about Bloomberg making it into the presidential debates, when robotic exoskeletons are embedded in the story. Of course, now having clicked on it ... I am doomed for more.