Saturday, July 9, 2022

Changing focus

Well Selden is still in the hospital recovering from her appendectomy. Obviously my 50 mile gravel ride with buddies is out. With the exception of the Whiteface VK, the past 3-4 weeks I have focused almost exclusively on the exercise bike and MTB rides.

Yesterday - knowing I would not ride the Prouty - I metaphorically changed it up, and squeezed in some easy hill repeats on the MVH competition loop (picture).

So, the next 3 items on the agenda are:
1) The August 6th uphill race at Stratton Mountain.
2) Some significant September mountain climbs in either the Sierras, Tetons, Cascades, or Alps.
3) A trail race at whichever mountain area I am climbing at in September.

All of which means, I put strength workouts back in the routine, start bouldering again, pedal for recovery/warmups/cool downs, and crank up the vertical.