Tuesday, September 20, 2022

SIERRAS: day 2

Well, skies were cloudy with intermittent rain all day; pretty uncharacteristic for the Tahoe region. That said, we had a good day. A leisurely morning, with some yoga and a little tai chi for me. Then, a half-hour walk with Mark on his post-surgery, cardiac rehab route. We laughingly dubbed it the Tiger Tail head wall … we made the direct ascent, without oxygen, and no fixed ropes. (Of course, the street had a whooping 75' vertical.)  After this, Mark took me to the Pole Creek Canyon trailhead, where I had a wonderful two hour run, with some nice views of Silver Peak, and the surrounding forested hills (below). I spiced it up with some 3 x 3 minute intervals at above race pace. We finished the day with a bit of wine; some great lasagna and potato salad that Mark and Liz cooked; and finally a couple of episodes of Good Girls Revolt.