Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Long Weekend: Sunday

Selden is getting ready to head out the door and put another long day of labor in with Allen - heavy machine guru - as they get the foundation of the garage/apartment squared away for the delivery of the kit on June 13. (Notice the tape job on her hands.) Gary is due at the house in 90 minutes for a morning at the NCS crag. (In the afternoon it is back to work on NYSAIS accreditation stuff.) Brian is climbing at the Gunks with his family (his email follows) ... "Hock, we are doing a family climbing trip tomorrow to the Gunks if you want to join. Bringing the dog too. Renting shoes for several folks and will likely monopolize a 5.4 route and set up a picnic and require all to do two laps to eat. Then swim the dog in the river and grab some dinner ourselves and head back. Leaving here at 7:30 and I will have my cell on."