Monday, October 27, 2014

Lucy's 17th Birthday

Her actual birthday is not for a couple of days, however she was home for 36 hours and so we celebrated it yesterday.

It was great to see our daughter home from St. Paul's, although because I had a board meeting I could not attend the festivities at her school or see her cross country meet. St. Paul's won the race, beating Groton, St. George, and BB&N. Next week is the ISL championship, St. Paul's is hoping to win it for the second year in a row.

As you can see in the picture she is starting to open her birthday gifts. Her presents included: several books, workout gear, stuff for her ski wax kit, and a heart rate monitor. Today I drive her back to St. Paul's, and then head on down to Logan airport, to fly to Beijing and Kunming to see NCS parents.