Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ski Season Has Officially Started

Of course, college nordic teams train all summer long at home. For the month of September, Lucy and the two other captains have been running SLU ski practice.

Traditionally, this first official week of practice in October is when the coaches focus on baseline physical testing. At St. Lawrence those tests include the following components: a battery of strength tests in the gym, a 3k run on the track, a 1.5k double pole, a 4K skate, and a run up St Regis Mountain.

Lucy was the top female in each test. She was particularly pleased in setting an all-time SLU pull-up record, and setting PRs in the overall strength test, as well as the double pole (missing the all-time record by 3 seconds). No PRs this year on the track or St. Regis runs, but she still retains the all-time SLU records for those tests.

Given a PR in a 5k campus run and a podium in the Climb to the Castle, earlier in September, it is clear that she is fit. Now, hopefully she will stay healthy, work on technique, and juggle the balance between academics and sport effectively.