Saturday, March 11, 2023

A big day for nordic fans

The Crown Jewels of the nordic World Cup are the Holmenkollen 50k, where typically tens of thousands of spectators line the course, camp, and party in the woods. The course is probably the toughest on the circuit with over 6500' of climbing. Today the Norwegians men swept the podium, in fact they swept the top ten places! The top Americans were David Norris and Scott Patterson in 17th and 18th. All eyes will be on Diggins, Brennan, and the Swedish gals tomorrow to see if they can break the stranglehold of Norwegian dominance.

Back at home, in Lake Placid, the NCAA alpine and nordic championships which ran from March 8-11, concluded today. This morning the women's 20k classic was won by Novie McCabe (she also won Thursday's 5k skate). This afternoon, Remi Drolet of Harvard won the men's classic 20k, while local guy, Everett Sap, also from Harvard placed 34th.