Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer Climbing Plans

This summer I intend to be away for three weeks to celebrate my 60th birthday. At present the two most likely options are Peru and the Alps. If Peru, then the usual red-eye to Lima, the eight hour (B grade movie filled) bus ride to Huaraz, and a couple of nights in La CASA de ZARELA. Then off to warmup on Urus, Ishinca, with the major objectives being the West Face of Tocclaraju, and the French Direct on Alpamayo. If its the Alps, we have a more user friendly flight to Geneva and a 75 minute car shuttle to Chamonix. To keep expenses low we would combine bivvies in ski maintenance buildings, some tenting, and the occasional hut. The agenda would look like: COSMIQUE arête, Chere couloir, Index, and Pointe Lachenal as warm ups. We might follow this with one (or two if good weather) of these: Frendo Spur, Brenva Ridge, Coturier Couloir, Jäger Couloir, or even change venues for the Matterhorn.