Monday, February 25, 2013

Andy Newell getting some big air on his nordic race skis

On Saturday the NYSEF racers hosted a training session with the Mount Greylock high school team from Massachusetts. A good time was had by all, and one of the things they worked on was team sprints (in preparation for the junior nationals). Anyway, after all was said and done, Lucy and the rest of the NYSEF girls got copies of the DVD - A Day In The Life - produced by Andy Newell. The main focus was interviews with top US racers, and footage from races in Dusseldorf, Canmore, and Rybinsk.

This evening I watched it while doing yoga ... pretty good stuff ... however after the credits are done, just as you are about to turn it off, then comes this two minute segment of Andy doing some wild stuff in Park City.CLICK HERE TO WATCH HIM WORK THE HALF-PIPE ON NORDIC GEAR.