A perfect day - maybe just a little too hot and sunny - and a good
time was had by all.
I led off at 6:00 am, but kept going after I finished my 20k leg. My
20k time was 11 minutes faster than last year, and eventually I logged
40k and 2250' in a bit under six hours. Next up was Melanie, who won a
prize for the fastest female leg of the day. Then David stepped up
with our fastest leg, which was a bit quicker than last year's
brilliant performance. Lucy anchored in about the same time as last
year ... recovering from a cold and the biggest nordic volume training
week of the off-season. Samantha immediately gapped the field and won
the children's race by a wide margin.
Everyone won prizes again, with me getting a gift certificate for a
pair of new Hoka running shoes that Lucy won in the raffle. (She felt
that given how little she weighs, she probably didn't need the maximal
cushioning as much as her dad.)
Kudos to Brian Delaney, and everyone at High Peaks Cyclery. And
something that is obvious but is worth saying ... how wonderful to be
able to run and ski on these world class trails ... I even stopped to
snap a picture of Cascade at the 22k mark!