Monday, August 17, 2020

QUOTE OF THE WEEK ... by Dick Dorworth

"What is it that the long-distant driver and all the other explorers suspect can be found somewhere else but where they are?"
                   Dick Dorworth

As I start thinking seriously about a western road trip this Fall, I decided to re-read this collection of essays, most of which were published in Mountain Gazette between 1965 and 1975. The title of the book comes from an essay that speaks to a subsequent generation as On The Road spoke to Kerouac's generation. As an aside, Mountain Gazette is going to be revived, coming January 2021. 

Dorworth was a noted skier and climber (part of the famous Fun-Hogs Expedition), and as social security eligible member of that era, I can more-or-less relate to his stream of conscious screed.