Saturday, August 31, 2024

Heading out to the Tetons tomorrow

It has been many years since my last visit, which I believe was around 1989. I spent a great deal of time in the Tetons between 1975-1989, doing many of the classic climbs,  and so have many fond memories. 

Just considering the Grand Teton, I have done several of the best routes: 3 x Exum Ridge, Petzold Ridge, Underhill Ridge, North Ridge, Complete Exum, and twice attempted the East Ridge in summer and winter. My one regret was never to have done the Black Ice Couloir, which given climate change, is hardly ever in condition these days

Looking forward to seeing Mark Ewing and John Deaton, but I suspect we won't be climbing the Grand

Friday, August 30, 2024

UTMB racers are off on their 100 mile journey

The route around Mont Blanc, goes through three countries, and racers will be on course for 20-46.5 hours. The loop has just under 33,000' vertical feet of climbing, and both the male and female winners of this year's Western States 100 were on the start line.

Big Day … both the CCC and UTMB races start today

At this point, halfway through the 100k race two Americans are leading the CCC race as they approach the Champex Lac aid station pictured below.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


The PTL (330k) event started on Monday, followed quickly by MCC (40K), TDS (140k), and the ETC (15k).  The first of the major events - the OCC (57k) - started today, with the CCC (100k) and the UTMB (170k) to start on Friday. 

This is the aerial view of Flegere, taken just after the lead women went up and over. In the photo you can see Chamonix below, and Mont Blanc in the distance. Today's race, featured a brutal climb up to Flegere, followed by a screaming, quad killing, 7k descent to the finish. Eli Hemming became the first American male to win this hotly contested race.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Set a new 20k PR on my mountain bike

 I did not set out to do a fast paced workout, but when a guy passed me early on, with a slick bike and maybe a smug look … I guess I lost control.  HRM registered firmly Level 4/5 for an hour. 

All you need to know for Olympic Skimo 2026

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

BLAST FROM THE PAST: fall 1974 Canadian Rockies

My first really big trip - three months - with Stephanie White and Bill Trollenberg. Hock leading out on Stanley Falls in classic, old school, style.

Monday, August 26, 2024

A good week with more incremental gains

An interesting week: chatting, hanging out, and doing stuff with NCS/CTT alumni. It was especially wonderful to reconnect with the Class of 1984 as they were my very first NCS students.  However there some downsides: no afternoon naps, I ate far too much food, and there were several late nights.  

BUT, I did manage to continue making incremental gains with my hamstring.  I was able to log 15 hours, with 165k (140k bike, 25k run), and 2000' vertical. No stretching or yoga this week, and just a single strength workout; however I tied into a climbing rope and was finally able to log one top-roped pitch! 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Back on the end of a rope

On Saturday I headed up to the NCS Crag and spent the morning belaying alumni, and even jumped on the wet and over grown "Buried Treasure."  OMG … I am pretty rusty!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Kilian’s big project this year

In this week on the The Alpine Connection project he has already linked up 44 Valais summits, all over 4000m. Follow it on Strava or his YouTube page.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Not as fast, or as much vertical as usual, but back to the 1/3 run and 2/3 bike … trying no to push it!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Getting the Fossil Cabin ready for guests

Former NCS student (Class of 1984) Charles Barnett, and his two teenagers Nora and Nick, will be staying at the cabin for Friends Weekend. Stash is going to love the extra attention!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Just about 85% and hamstring almost pain free

This was a good week, and by the weekend I was able to do some short and easy jogs. So, I anticipate slowly increasing my vertical I the coming weeks before heading to the Tetons.

This week I logged just under 16 hour, on 176k (158k bike, 18k run), with 2100' vertical. I also managed 3 upper body and core strength workouts, as well as one stretching session.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Great video about Yao Miao

Spectacular mountain footage from Chamonix and Sierra-Zinal.  Well worth 16 minutes.

Friday, August 16, 2024

BLAST FROM THE PAST: the upcoming Friends Weekend

Coming next week, the alumni reunion for former students, campers, staff, and parents of North Country School and Camp Treetops. Several terrific days which end on Saturday evening with a cookout, bonfire, and singing on the lake hill.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Selden is getting ready to move her sheep

As for me, my pulled hamstring is slowly healing, and so I am starting to do mini-hikes (1.5k for 20-25 minutes) as a warmup before I jump on the bike.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

History of UTMB … good video

This video brings you up to 2022, of course a bunch has happened since then … but it's a good introduction to UTMB week which is coming up soon! COPY THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER ...

Shrinkage of Andean glaciers is alarming

Monday, August 12, 2024

Given the circumstances as much training as possible

On Wednesday I pulled a muscle within spitting distance of finishing a two hour workout. Since then, pretty much all I could manage was the exercise bike. By Sunday, thankfully, I as able to drop my ibuprofen consummation from 2400mg to just 800mg.

In spite of the injury I was able to log just under 14.5 hours of exercise, on 167k (151k bike, 16k run), and 1525' vertical. I also managed three PT stretching sessions and one upper body strength workout.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A beautiful Adirondack day

After Friday's pounding rain and tornado warnings, Saturday brought us a cool and breezy day to enjoy time in the mountains. Of course, my pulled muscle precluded everything but the exercise bike. So, I sat on the deck with Stash, enjoyed the view, and did some reading.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Shooting the breeze and swapping stories

Shooting the breeze, drinking whiskey, and watching Olympic climbing. The whiskey is in the Rusty Piton bottle in the background.

Friday, August 9, 2024

So How Hard Are These Olympic Climbing Routes?

I just finished watching the men's lead Olympic final, and a replay of the women's semi-final (their final is tomorrow). Because many of the bouldering and leading sections are severely overhanging, it's obviously hard stuff, but how hard? The TV commentators don't really use standard grades … so the link below has some quotes from the route-setter.

Of course, it's not a real trad lead, and the plastic holds don't have the nuance of real rock.  So, is it real climbing?  Probably not, but I did find it gripping and exciting to watch!

Sierre-Zinal coming up this weekend … how will Sophia do?

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Nice hike up MountVan Hoevenberg yesterday

However, pulled in muscle in my thigh running down the lower part of trail … ouch. No doubt trail running will be off the table for the rest of the week. Thankfully though, I can hop on the exercise bike and get a pain free workout.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Olympic Climbing … I have not seen it yet but will watch replays

Lake Placid … summer is a busy time with lots of events

The past several weeks have been chockablock full - Equestrian events, Ironman, Rugby Tournament, and most recently the Lacrosse Tournament - in early June we had the 50k and 100k MTB race, the Great Adirondack Trail Run (Lucy was third), as well as a half and full marathon road race. In September and October we will have a weekend of rollerski races, three days of the MTB World Cup, and the ADK 80k ultramarathon and MTB bike races. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Nice run on 1980 Olympic nordic trails

On top of Harry's Hill, I fondly remembered how many times Harry - former NCS headmaster - had cheered me home in Loppet 50k and 20k Biathlon races! He was an amazing guy.

Quieter Corners of the Adirondacks

Monday, August 5, 2024

Decent week of training

I watched quite a bit of the Olympics while on the exercise bike and doing strength sessions.

I logged over 15 hours with 152K (122K bike and 30 K run) on 3300 feet vertical. I also managed to do two PT stretching sessions, as well as two strength workouts.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Pemigewasset Traverse

It's always been on my "hit list" but I think the time for it has come and gone. At just under 40 miles and 15,000' vertical, the knees are definitely not up to that much abuse. A week ago, Lucy did this hike with a bunch of her former nordic racer buddies.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

BLAST FROM THE PAST: 2019 Cordillera Huayhuash Trek

A superb trek covering 80k+ which goes over three 15-16,000' passes.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sites for the 2030 and 2034 Winter Olympics

And, as you know the 2026 Winter Olympics will be in Cortina/Milan.