Saturday, July 27, 2024

A browse through my library …

Yielded this gem published in 1938; it is a classic despite how much climbing and the alps have changed since then. It is filled with superb black and white photos. It is a great overview and introduction to this diverse group of mountains that stretch all the way across Europe. Moreover, Irving was a master at Winchester College and a well known climber - who introduced Mallory to the sport - and while his hard climbing days were behind him when he wrote this book, he still had much sensible stuff to say about the sport.

From the introduction:
"In a few days after writing this note I hope to be in the Alps once more. What I climb when I get there has ceased to matter. It is good for youth to measure its strength with great mountains and it is good for age to know its physical limitations. The Alps can give to the young who climb them and to the old who look at them the knowledge of things which belong unto their peace."

Something for all Fossils to remember!