Sunday, July 14, 2024

Prouty Update

A good time was had by all. It was great to re-connect with college buddies: Ted, Dick, Alex, LC, and Mark.

I'll qualify this a bit, given that Ted had a mechanical issue on our warmup (picture) and a flat tire a couple of miles before the finish. Dick had his day spoiled when his bike computer gave him the disappointing news that his "hundred miler" was a few miles short, so while we were changing clothes, he spent ten minutes doing laps around the parking lot.

Others will share better pictures than this, but I look forward to next year's ride, and to sharing stories afterwards at Molly's bar and grill. Finally, not having consumed enough post-race calories after my 67k ride, just as I crossed the state line into Vermont, I pulled over to get a large chocolate milkshake, to fuel my journey home.