Wednesday, May 22, 2024

BLAST FROM THE PAST … the impossible dream boulder problem

Back in the mid-1980s, when I bouldered frequently at the Outpost Leanto on campus, this was the one problem - over several years and many attempts - that I just could not master. Over the years many talented staff - Scott Pond, Tom Hughes, Ben Runyon,  Larry Robjent, Dave Steckler - as well as talented students, gave it their best shot, but it remains unclimbed. Back in the early 1990s, Russ Clune a Black Diamond rep, well known Gunks climber, and a bonafide 5.13 climber gave it a shot. Time was short, he worked it for 45 minutes, he said, "it will go" … "but I have no tape for my hands and no time to work it."

Well, former student and staff member  - Marcos Fernandez - as well as his brother Anthony are here for the week to help Larry with the end of year play. Marcos is determined to send it. I'll let you know how it goes.